MD's Message


Message From Managing Director

" Take care of the means, the ends take care of themselves" -Mahatma Gandhi

Matching an employer with prospective employees or vice versa is a highly specialized skill that very few people have mastered. For us, it is both the science of precision and the art of creating, sustaining and nourishing human relationships that enables it. Expertise, experience, instincts and modern analytical tools combine to identify, assess and isolate the 'Best Fit'from a large, categorized and formalized database. With over 35 years footprint in this space, Seagulluses the best oftechnology and recruitment skills to harness the power of the human being towards fulfilling the various needs of an organization. We believe in creating a proper fit between the organization and any individual that could get recruited for it. Understanding the needs of the organization is a very critical step followed by an optimized skill set parameter definition. And given a set of candidates with the available skill sets, a fit between the candidate and the organization is a carefullyanalysed exercise.

In its pursuit of excellence, the above quote of Mahatma Gandhi has been a source of inspiration to the founders of Seagull and its employees. Recruitment is a process and various links in the chain need to be optimized to desired benchmarks ofexcellence. And then, a synergyofallthese individualcomponents ofthe process occurleading to a cumulative result that is largerthan the mere sum ofits parts.

Today, Seagull is rated among the leading human resource consultants with 5 starrating by the Government ofIndia and powered by large client base of demanding customers who catalyse ourrising to greater heights of excellence with every passing day and every assignment. We are gratefulto them for assisting our pursuit of excellence. The ISO certification and the various awards we have received is a substantiation of the high standards of service delivery we have consistently provided. A good set of employees is a natural asset, a sustained profit centre foryourorganization. And Seagullcan help create this asset foryou.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Sureshkumar Madhusudanan

Managing Director
Seagull Group of Companies